Hear ye, hear ye! Cheshirepedia is sponsoring a talk on the Farmington Canal by Carl E. Walker, an acknowledged expert on this historic structure – part of which went through Cheshire. Come to the Cheshire Public Library, to the large first floor Mary Baldwin Room, at 7 PM on Tuesday, July 17, 2018.
History and Historic Preservation
A House, A Home, A Home-Away-From-Home – The History of the Hitchcock-Phillips House

A House, A Home, A Home-Away-From-Home The History of the Hitchcock-Phillips House By Mitzi Romano The assignment was simple: Go to Town Hall and do a title search for the Hitchcock-Phillips House. How difficult could that be? We already knew the basics: Rufus Hitchcock built the house in 1785. The west wing was added around […]
Cheshire Timeline – Cheshire History
CHESHIRE TIMELINE Here is a timeline of Cheshire’s history. There are gaps in the chronology, particularly in the 20th and 21st centuries. Please feel free to email Cheshirepedia ([email protected]) to offer suggestions of additional entries or comments on the timeline itself. Or you can make comments at the bottom of the article. Seventeenth Century 1638 New […]
Glebe House
Cheshire – Bedding Plant Capital of Connecticut
Early Map of Cheshire, 1723?

Early map of Cheshire, allegedly circa 1723. First published in John Beach’s 1912 History of Cheshire.
Cheshire Historical Marker
Memorial Day Parade
Civil War Monument Commemorated on July 9, 2016

This is the familiar 20’ tall granite obelisk that has stood on the Green for 150 years. In 1866 it was dedicated in memory of Civil War soldiers from Cheshire who lost their lives in that war. Twenty nine names were carved into the stone, with the names of FOOTE and LINCOLN on the base. […]
West Cheshire by Jeanné R. Chesanow
West Cheshire The Town Center of Cheshire, with its Town Hall and Church Green, sits upon a drumlin-like hill. At the base of the western side of that hill is the area called West Cheshire, a bustling place where canal boats took on cargo at a lively port called Beachport, from 1828-1848. Beachport Drawing Bo […]
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