Hear ye, hear ye! Cheshirepedia is sponsoring a talk on the Farmington Canal by Carl E. Walker, an acknowledged expert on this historic structure – part of which went through Cheshire. Come to the Cheshire Public Library, to the large first floor Mary Baldwin Room, at 7 PM on Tuesday, July 17, 2018.
Transportation and Communication
Trestle Bridge, Mixville Rd.
Cheshire Street Trolley
Transportation in Cheshire During the Nineteenth Century by Richard DeLuca
The conversion of energy into motion is at the heart of all transportation. These entries regarding the major types of transportation available in Cheshire during the nineteenth century are grouped in three parts, each part related to the source of energy dominant at the time. The entries progress chronologically from the beginning of the century, […]
Lock 12 Historical Park

Cheshire’s Lock 12 along the Farmington Canal. This is one of the few restored locks on the Canal, which was in existence from 1828-1848. The Canal ran from New Haven, Connecticut to Northampton, Massachusetts.
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