Renowned artist John Frederick Kensett, one of Cheshire’s most notable residents, was celebrated throughout 2016. Born on March 22, 1816, his 200th Birthday Celebration featured many activities all across town. On February 26-27, 2016 renowned PBS lecturer and artist David Dunlop was at ArtsPlace to discuss Kensett’s importance in the art world, and provided some painting demonstrations. Mr. Dunlop stopped […]
Arts and Architecture
John Frederick Kensett
Cheshire Historical Marker
John Frederick Kensett by Agnes Wnuk
Hudson River artist John Kensett was born in Cheshire Friday, March 22, 1816 and lived with his family on the turnpike road as a boy. At fourteen he apprenticed with his uncle and engraver Alfred Daggett in New Haven. He worked as a banknote engraver in New York and Albany. In 1840, with friends Casilear, […]
Cheshire’s South Main Street ca. 1909
A post card depicting Cheshire’s Main Street in the early days of the 20th century. Seen at left is the Russell Cook house, built ca. 1801.
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